I love the fourth of July!🎇 It has always been one of my favorite holidays. I enjoy going to the parades, barbeque's, watching fireworks and spending time with family and friends. Unfortunately David had to work this year so I had to go to all of the activities solo. I still had a good time I just wish he could've been there to enjoy it all too. I went to a parade with my sister-in-laws family and my in-laws which was super fun! After the parade we went back to my sister-in-laws house for a barbecue, and David's grandma ended up coming over. It was great to catch up with everyone, I haven't seen them in a while so it was nice to see all of them.

After that I went over to my sister's house and spent the rest of the day with her family. I had a ton of fun there with them as well as I always do. We ate more food, the kids swam in the pool, we all chit-chatted and watched fireworks all while trying not to get caught on fire from my sister's neighbors fireworks. We all lived so it's good. During the fireworks we decided to turn on some music so the kids could have a dance party. We put on a Beach Boys mix I mean you can't get more American than that am I right?

After that I went over to my sister's house and spent the rest of the day with her family. I had a ton of fun there with them as well as I always do. We ate more food, the kids swam in the pool, we all chit-chatted and watched fireworks all while trying not to get caught on fire from my sister's neighbors fireworks. We all lived so it's good. During the fireworks we decided to turn on some music so the kids could have a dance party. We put on a Beach Boys mix I mean you can't get more American than that am I right?

It was such a great day, it kind of makes me sad to see this holiday over, but there is always next year!!
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