We have done so many fun this recently. It has been great!
We had my annual work party at Boondocks amusement park. David loved the batting cages of course. We did the go-carts, mini golf and the bumper boats (David got me soaking wet on that one). We had such a good time, I feel so lucky to work with such great people!
We also took a drive to Brigham City and drove around the temple and decided to stop at the Tabernacle and take a tour. The Tabernacle is so gorgeous I loved it.
I went swimming over at my sisters house with my little niece and nephew. They are the cutest kids ever and could've stayed in the pool all night.
We also went to the Mormon Tabernacle summer concert with some of our neighbor friends. It was such a good evening we went to dinner at Red Robin and then drove to downtown Salt Lake to go to the concert, Alex Boye was the guest singer. They did such a great job and we all had a very good time.

I went to a summer music camp-play that another niece and nephew were in. They did so good and it was so much fun to see them having fun doing it.
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