We went on a road-trip to California and even though it was a fast little getaway it was nice to get away for a few days. We left early Thursday morning and got into San Francisco late that evening. It wasn't that bad of a drive (although the scenery isn't that great). We came prepared for our long journey with snacks, water, fruit and some sandwiches. Whuch really helped on out time since we didn't have to stop to get food, we just stopped for gas and bathroom breaks. It only started to get bad once we got closer to San Francisco it was raining like crazy and very windy. As we got on the bay bridge getting into the city traffic all of a sudden came to a stand still. Everyone was trying to merge to the left. We finally saw what was causing the bad traffic, a semi-truck had gotten blown over on its side. So to say that we really wanted to get off that bridge would be an understatement! I must say that the traffic in San Francisco is crazy, I was so glad that David did the driving and I just had to navigate.
When we got to the hotel we were super hungry and because it was so rainy and late we decided to get food delivered to us. All we got was a simple little 12 inch pizza and it cost us over $40.00 and it really wan't worth it. That next morning David walked across the street to a pastry/breakfast shop. I got a sausage crossant and it was delicious I couldn't believe how creamy and flaky it was. David got a bagel breakfast sandwich and he said that his was really good as well. On Friday we wanted to do some sight seeing in San Francisco but we only had a few hours. We ended up going to The Walt Disney Family Museum which was really neat to see. We could've spent a lot longer there than we did.

After that we wanted to see the Golden Gate Bridge and take some pictures, we ended up driving over the bridge to a viewing spot where we were able to get some good pictures. The only bad thing was that it was pretty overcast so we could see the city but we just didn't have quite as good of a view.

After that we drove to Fisherman's Wharf we went to a really good bread bakery there and of course I had to try the clam chowder, David got a tomato basil soup and a sandwich. After we got done eating lunch we went to a gift shop and got some souveniers.
We wanted to do so much more than we were able to do but we had to leave for Sacramento for a viewing for David's grandpa. The whole point of our trip was to go to his funeral and viewing. I will talk more about the viewing and funeral in a different post. The next day after the funeral servies were over we went with two of David's siblings and their spuses to do some things the rest of the evening. His brother and his wife live in Pheonix and his youngest sister lives in San Jose so it was nice to see them and spend some time with them. Our hotel (which was actually a mansion!) that night was in San Jose and it was gorgeous we loved it! And on the plus side it was only $2.00 more than the hotel in San Francisco and a lot fancier and in a much better area!
Since McKenzie and Jonny live there they wanted to show us around a little bit. We ended up driving to Santa Cruz and went to the beach it was very pretty. We got there right as the sun was setting so it was gorgeous. Then we went to the pier and found a little restaruant and had some dinner, the food there was also really good. When we were done we walked along the pier for a little bit and on the opposite side of the pier was a roller coaster and a ferris wheel and since the sun had gone sown by then they were all lit up so that was really fun to see. At the end of the pier was a look out spot where the seals like to hang out they were all mostly asleep by the time we got there but we could see them sleeping.
After that we drove back to McKenzie and Jonny's apartment to hang out for a little while we ended up watching some funny music videos and singing along with them. It was actually a lot of fun and very relaxing after a crazy few days. The next day we got the car all loaded up and went to pick up McKenzie she rode back to Utah with us. It was really nice she helped us drive in a few stretches. And I super tired so I got to sleep a little more on the drive home than I would've been able to. We got home Sunday night at about Midnight after dropping McKenzie off at my in-laws house. We really had a good time and it was so nice to get a few days off, we haven't taken a vacation in about 2 years!!
When we got to the hotel we were super hungry and because it was so rainy and late we decided to get food delivered to us. All we got was a simple little 12 inch pizza and it cost us over $40.00 and it really wan't worth it. That next morning David walked across the street to a pastry/breakfast shop. I got a sausage crossant and it was delicious I couldn't believe how creamy and flaky it was. David got a bagel breakfast sandwich and he said that his was really good as well. On Friday we wanted to do some sight seeing in San Francisco but we only had a few hours. We ended up going to The Walt Disney Family Museum which was really neat to see. We could've spent a lot longer there than we did.
After that we drove to Fisherman's Wharf we went to a really good bread bakery there and of course I had to try the clam chowder, David got a tomato basil soup and a sandwich. After we got done eating lunch we went to a gift shop and got some souveniers.
We wanted to do so much more than we were able to do but we had to leave for Sacramento for a viewing for David's grandpa. The whole point of our trip was to go to his funeral and viewing. I will talk more about the viewing and funeral in a different post. The next day after the funeral servies were over we went with two of David's siblings and their spuses to do some things the rest of the evening. His brother and his wife live in Pheonix and his youngest sister lives in San Jose so it was nice to see them and spend some time with them. Our hotel (which was actually a mansion!) that night was in San Jose and it was gorgeous we loved it! And on the plus side it was only $2.00 more than the hotel in San Francisco and a lot fancier and in a much better area!
After that we drove back to McKenzie and Jonny's apartment to hang out for a little while we ended up watching some funny music videos and singing along with them. It was actually a lot of fun and very relaxing after a crazy few days. The next day we got the car all loaded up and went to pick up McKenzie she rode back to Utah with us. It was really nice she helped us drive in a few stretches. And I super tired so I got to sleep a little more on the drive home than I would've been able to. We got home Sunday night at about Midnight after dropping McKenzie off at my in-laws house. We really had a good time and it was so nice to get a few days off, we haven't taken a vacation in about 2 years!!
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