I have always had a hard time keeping a journal. All growing up I tried several times to have a diary or a journal but I just couldn't keep up with it. For some reason it is easier for me to type my thoughts and stories rather than writing them in a book. I do feel though that keeping a "jouarnaling blog" is good for me, it lets me escape almost and get lost in my thoughts. I also enjoy it more because it lets me focus on the good things that are going on in my life and celebrate my adventures. It is also nice because then I can go back and read these stories and be able to have these memories. It is also nice to keep a journal because your family and friends can look at it as well and know a little more about you and what goes on in your life, especially if you don't see them very often. So even though I may not always have the greatest things to share at least I can be reminded of all these happy times in my life.
I decided it might be fun to do a 30 day photography challenge. So what I'm going to do is take a picture every day for the month of July and post them. I'm going to do them as a week review though so I will just have four posts for this month. It should be fun!! Saturday July 1st: ▲Selfie- I might just be the selfie queen! This day I decided to try something new with my hair, so I did a side bun. I think for my first attempt at it, it turned out pretty good. Sunday July 2nd: ▷Watermelon- I love watermelon, I was a little surprised though to be given watermelon at the end of our Chinese meal the other day. I must admit it was very refreshing! Monday July 3rd: ◊The sun- I just thought this was a pretty picture! Tuesday July 4th 🎆: ◈Action photo- This is a picture from the 4th of the kids running to catch the parachutes. It was such a great day!! Wednesday July 5th: ◅Where I sleep- I love my bed and bedding set. The mattress is so comfy a...
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