Hello everyone my name is Melissa this is a new blog to me, however it isn't my first time doing a blog. I had one several years ago and just stopped doing it. I've decided to start one again not so much for the people reading it but for myself to keep as a journal since I have never been great about writing in a journal

For my first entry I wanted to share something that happened about a week ago that I really don't want to forget. I had been at my in-laws house after a violin recital that my niece was in. As I went to leave and while I was getting into my car, I was reaching back to put my seat belt on, the car door wasn't closed yet and as I put my hand back the door was coming back and I didn't realize it. All of a sudden there was a crash and I felt intense pain at first I thought it had just injured my finger and that was all. But I looked down at my hand and my wedding ring was smashed I mean it was flat as a pancake. I was so sad, nervous and upset. I didn't know what to do, I tried taking it off my finger but nope it was stuck. I drove home (in tears) as fast as I could. When I walked in the door I told my husband and we walked down to the basement, he found some pliers in one of his many toolboxes. He then put the pliers on both sides of my finger to try to get the ring back in a circular shape. By this point my finger was already swollen and we couldn't get it off. He kept trying to squeeze my finger to get the ring lose finally it came off. However it is not longer a circle, I would say its more like a hexagon. At least my finger is okay I really think the ring saved my finger. And yes at the time I was more worried about my ring than my finger!!
More posts to come, I hope to keep this blog more updated than my previous blog.

For my first entry I wanted to share something that happened about a week ago that I really don't want to forget. I had been at my in-laws house after a violin recital that my niece was in. As I went to leave and while I was getting into my car, I was reaching back to put my seat belt on, the car door wasn't closed yet and as I put my hand back the door was coming back and I didn't realize it. All of a sudden there was a crash and I felt intense pain at first I thought it had just injured my finger and that was all. But I looked down at my hand and my wedding ring was smashed I mean it was flat as a pancake. I was so sad, nervous and upset. I didn't know what to do, I tried taking it off my finger but nope it was stuck. I drove home (in tears) as fast as I could. When I walked in the door I told my husband and we walked down to the basement, he found some pliers in one of his many toolboxes. He then put the pliers on both sides of my finger to try to get the ring back in a circular shape. By this point my finger was already swollen and we couldn't get it off. He kept trying to squeeze my finger to get the ring lose finally it came off. However it is not longer a circle, I would say its more like a hexagon. At least my finger is okay I really think the ring saved my finger. And yes at the time I was more worried about my ring than my finger!!
More posts to come, I hope to keep this blog more updated than my previous blog.
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